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 FACTS Are NEVER 'Harassment'
Ingar 835 posts, incept 2017-02-14
2024-03-04 11:52:09

Regarding the 500 or so utes at 6 flags over georgia, maybe showering millions of dollars on social programs and midnite bakaba will correct their genetic predisposition for low impulse control, explosive tempers, and 80 IQ's. Maybe the armed 15 year old shot by police won't re-offend, depending on the policeman's marksmanship.

I hadn't read about the xxx genes but did see an X0 (Turner's Syndrome) once. Once syngamy occurs with the gametes, you are who you are going to be. I hope that Levine was stupid enough to have his balls and pecker chopped off. He's a prime example of many of the wrongs with our country.

Tomorrow is vote harder day. I'll write in someone's name when it comes time to select a presidential candidate. We can't afford another four years of Trump inflating his ego while ignoring all the laws on the books that can be used to stop immigration in its tracks.

If you can control what someone says, you can control their thoughts and behavior. We have people who'd like to see hate speech, whatever they determine it is, to be illegal. Some European governments have such laws or their equivalent on the books. I've met two people who have been sent to prison by the puppet governments of Germany and Austria for questioning some of the allegations of the holohoax. These laws may come here. Maybe we'll see people doing time for mis-gendering someone along with bank robbers and murderers.

Seeing the DEI crap from the airlines and aircraft manufacturers makes me reluctant to fly. I think that I can rely on my Toyota to get me where I want to go.
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