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2024-04-18 14:41 by Karl Denninger
in Corruption , 404 references Ignore this thread
Everything Wrong With Medicine Is Right Here
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Seriously, read this and it ought to pop in and make sense.

"A number of things," she said. "We started to see patients who were experiencing very significant medical harms being rushed to the emergency room with lacerations requiring stitches. We had patients contact us who were begging to have body parts put back on within months of having surgeries."

She went on to claim, "The thing that kept happening is every time I would raise concerns and ask about the protocols and ask about the guidelines - this is just how the industry works, if a child says they're trans there's no questioning it. We just say, ‘Yep, you're trans, what would you like?’"


Simple, and for the same reason doctors and medical centers kept using Remdesivir even after the WHO ran a huge multi-national study that found it was worthless:  They got paid for it; the government paid for the drug and the hospital got to bill for it being administered, which is not cheap as it is an IV medication and they also got paid more the worse you got with no incentive to quickly and effectively treat you.

In the case of "transitioning" once you start you are a forced customer for life at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That's all they care about.

It is simply and only about the money.

You are just a mule that causes the money to flow.

Think not?

Its been known that statins cause Type II diabetes for a couple of decades.  Yet they're handed out like candy, despite the fact that diabetes kills a huge number of people but more important for the medical system it gains them hundreds of thousands of dollars firstso anything that they can find some reason to get you to do that will some time down the road lead you to that financial ruin, especially if you don't connect the two, they're all-in on because once again it is just about the money.

How about covid shots?  We knew pretty-quickly they didn't stop transmission nor did they last long in interdicting the disease either which was just perfect from the medical system's point of view in that you'd have to come back and get another one.  That it turned out to be even worse (and in a large percentage of people produces long-term and permanent -- even lethal -- damage) is icing on the cake but whether they knew that or not up front didn't matter -- all that mattered was that two would never be enough and every three or six months you'd have to come back for more.

Our system of laws is supposed to prohibit this because all such exploitation is in fact fraud.

Telling someone "you're protected" when you have every reason to believe that protection is fleeting at best and in fact doesn't help anyone else (because it doesn't interrupt transmission) is active fraud.  Every single person who did that should be rotting in prison right now but nobody is.

Likewise, everyone prescribed a statin without being told that the drugs inevitably damage insulin response and in some cases cause diabetes directly, and thus their efficacy over a long period of time is dubious at best has comitted fraud and should be rotting in prison but nobody is.

And anyone telling someone they can "transition" without fully disclosing that at best you can cosmetically look like the other sex but that it is scientifically impossible to become the other sex or gain the sexual and physical functions of the other sex is committing fraud and every one of those people should be in prison but once again -- nobody is.

Until this stops you will bother be screwed financially and in many cases shoved in the hole.

Since government has refused to jail anyone for any of those over the last 30+ years despite the black letter law being clear..... what does that leave us with for options?